The St. John’s Vision statement adopted last year by the Congregation points out that we are “living in changing times.” This continues to be true for Christianity in America, for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and especially for our church, including the programming and people within it. But that Vision statement also says that we are “courageous, grace-filled” and that we “seek deeper connections…with one another.” Since the adoption of that Vision, the faithful leaders of our Congregation have entered into prayerful discernment and thoughtful discussion about the future of St. John’s, and how to ensure that it is structured, staffed, and resourced sustainably so it can continue to “Live God’s Love in the World” for the next 150 years.
Last December, the Church Council established a Transitions Committee to continue this work and to propose a future-oriented, sustainable plan for the organization structure and staffing for St. John’s that will guide our decisions going into the future. This plan was presented to the Church Council in June and is being phased in over the next two years.
At the center of this new strategic plan is the ongoing need to transition St. John’s from a predominantly staff-centered posture to a volunteer and lay-centered organization. The Church Council, along with support of the Finance Committee, are confident that St. John’s is now a two-Pastor church and in being so, must foster a more energized and engaged community of lay volunteers. As such, the St. John’s Church Council is recommending the hiring, and transition, of the following positions, effective August 12, 2024:
The part-time Nursery Attendants will be responsible for providing age-appropriate care for children ages 0 to 4 on Sunday mornings. With the inclusion of these positions, the St. John’s Nursery will be open and staffed during both worship services every Sunday morning.
The part-time Youth and Young Adult Leader, in partnership with Pastor Jon Haug, will define and direct programming and faith development for high school age youth and young adults through age 35.
The full-time Associate Director of Volunteer Management, in partnership with Catherine Slabaugh, will serve as the system and relational lead in fostering a sense of belonging and engagement within our church community. This position will: develop volunteer coordination, tracking, and training; oversee the Realm membership database; engage with new members; and provide communications support.
The full-time Director of Communications and Community Engagement will serve as the strategic lead for: engagement and connection with St. John’s members, neighborhood and city partners, and fellow nonprofit mission partners; volunteer management and coordination; lay-led ministries and programs (direct services, hospitality, evangelism, etc.); and communications and public relations. This position is an expansion of Catherine Slabaugh’s current role.
Many of these positions are not new to St. John’s, but were previously eliminated for budgetary concerns. The Church Council is excited to bring these roles back to St. John’s in a new capacity that fits the current and future needs of our community. These hires and transitions are targeted to address the increase in young children, increase in young adults, need for ongoing and enhanced lay leadership and volunteer coordination, and strategic oversight for engagement in the community.
With the departure of Pastor Amy Kienzle and vacancies in staffing from 2022 and 2023, personnel funds are available for these hirings and transitions.
The Church Council looks forward to welcoming these new hires to the St. John’s community. As always, we welcome conversation, feedback, and insights as we strive to respond to the life-changing call of “Living God’s Love in the World”.
In Christ,
Andrew Ford
Church Council President, St. John’s Lutheran Church
St. John's is a vibrant, urban church centered in enthusiastic and inspirational worship, grace-filled service and rich opportunities for spiritual growth.
St. John's is a Reconciling in Christ Church of the Sierra Pacific Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).
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