Middle Life Retreat
March 10-12, 2025 at Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center in Carefree, Arizona
Transitioning from the first half of life into the second half of life is a spiritual journey. In the first half of life, we focus on establishing our identity, developing our talents, establishing careers, building a support system, choosing life partners, and growing families. Inevitably, these tasks lose their primacy as we enter the second half of life and are confronted with new and sometimes troubling questions of life and purpose. What do we do when our career wanes or ends, when our families grow up and move away, when our need to create and sustain security in our life is not as great? These are the questions of “The Middle Life,” a time of great transition. The Middle Life is often experienced as a time of crises, when in reality it is a time filled with wonderful opportunities!
If you find yourself asking the questions of middle life, if you are contemplating retirement, if you can’t figure out what to do with your retirement, if your primary roles in life are changing, if you are looking for the next great purpose in life, if you are wondering what comes next; please prayerfully consider joining us on this retreat. This retreat on the Middle Life will be led by Pastors Greg Ronning and Frank Espegren. Pastor Frank is leading this retreat in the year he will retire and is excited to walk with you in the spiritual journey that lies before him. Pastor Greg is recently retired and loves teaching on the “Way” of the Middle Life. In addition to study and contemplation, worship will be a vibrant part of our retreat experience.
Learn more about this Retreat and register to attend here!