
Pastors' Wednesday Bible Study

Every Wednesday at 12:00pm via Zoom

All are invited to join our Pastoral Staff for the mid-week bible study, happening every Wednesday at 12:00pm via zoom. We invite you to join through the zoom link below.

Meeting ID: 875 3268 4407

Passcode: 909287

Exploring Christianity & Ecology: An Adult Education Lenten Series

Sundays, March 9 - April 6 at 10:15am in Oehler Hall

We are bombarded with images of the climate crisis on a daily basis; the wildfires in L.A. are but the most recent sign of dramatic changes in our world. Join us for this Lenten Adult Education series as we explore the ethics of our human relationship to creation and how our worldview(s) shape our relationship as 21st century people living in the U.S. 

In this class series, we will explore:

  • How rapid changes in science and technology since the Industrial Age are affecting God’s created world and how we as Christians can respond to the challenges posed by these changes.  
  • The multiple, sometimes conflicting, perspectives on the place of humans in the world and our relationship to it, while also considering the historical roots of these ideas. 
  • Ideas about creation from St. Francis of Assisi, the concept of "integral ecology" by Pope Francis and the close relationship between ecology and justice for the oppressed. 
  • How our responsibility within creation is essentially linked to our faith  
  • Share reasons for hope as we take on the challenging task of earthkeeping. 

This educational offering is hosted by the Justice Making Ministry of St. John's. 

Middle Life Retreat

March 10-12, 2025 at Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center in Carefree, Arizona

Transitioning from the first half of life into the second half of life is a spiritual journey.  In the first half of life, we focus on establishing our identity, developing our talents, establishing careers, building a support system, choosing life partners, and growing families. Inevitably, these tasks lose their primacy as we enter the second half of life and are confronted with new and sometimes troubling questions of life and purpose. What do we do when our career wanes or ends, when our families grow up and move away, when our need to create and sustain security in our life is not as great?  These are the questions of “The Middle Life,” a time of great transition.  The Middle Life is often experienced as a time of crises, when in reality it is a time filled with wonderful opportunities!

If you find yourself asking the questions of middle life, if you are contemplating retirement, if you can’t figure out what to do with your retirement, if your primary roles in life are changing, if you are looking for the next great purpose in life, if you are wondering what comes next; please prayerfully consider joining us on this retreat. This retreat on the Middle Life will be led by Pastors Greg Ronning and Frank Espegren. Pastor Frank is leading this retreat in the year he will retire and is excited to walk with you in the spiritual journey that lies before him. Pastor Greg is recently retired and loves teaching on the “Way” of the Middle Life. In addition to study and contemplation, worship will be a vibrant part of our retreat experience.

Learn more about this Retreat and register to attend here!

Young Adults St. Patrick's Day Leprechaun Hunt

Thursday, March 13 at 6:00pm in Old Sacramento

The Young Adults of St. John's will gather in Old Sacramento for a Leprechaun Hunt and Dessert! Leprechauns are hidden throughout Old Sacramento and the Young Adults group will spend the evening searching for them. Afterwards, we'll enjoy a treat at Cerealism!

We'll gather in front of the Train Museum in Old Sac - learn more about the Scavenger Hunt here.

Family Karaoke Night: hosted by 1128 LGBTQ+ Ministry

Saturday, March 15 at 5:30pm in The Gathering Place

Join the 1128 LGBTQ+ Ministry for a pre St. Patrick’s Day Family Karaoke Night on Saturday, March 15th at 5:30pm at St. John’s Lutheran Church! Come enjoy Corned Beef & Cabbage, hear the Youth of St. John’s Choir perform, and sing your heart out Karaoke style. This is a BYO drink night - bring a bottle of your favorite beer or wine and share it with a friend.

The 1128 Ministry is asking for a suggested donation of $5 per person, funds raised will help support their presence at the annual Sacramento PRIDE Parade this June! All are welcome and no one will be turned away for a lack of funds. 

Please RSVP here on Realm!

March LLL Book Club

Thursday, March 20th at 11:00am in the St. John's Library

The LLL Book Club will gather in March to read and discuss Waiting to Be Arrested at Night: A Uyghur Poet's Memoir of China's Genocide by Tahir Hamut Izgil. 

An Update on the Immigration Crisis: with Global Refuge

Tuesday, April 1 at 6:30pm via Zoom

The Immigration Crisis in the United States seem to change every day. Luckily, our partners at Global Refuge are on the frontlines providing the resources, guidance, and community to help forge a way forward for refugees. Pastor in Residance, Eric Shafer, will share important updates on the Immigration Crisis and the work of Global Refuge amidst these trying times. Come hear about current events and ask questions of Pastor Eric!

Meeting ID: 851 5545 3883

Passcode: 707569

Pray for Mercy Vigil

Wednesday, April 2 at 6:00pm at St. John's

Lent is a season of deep reflection leading up to Easter. Five churches in the Sacramento area, inspired by the powerful sermon delivered by The Right Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde at Washington National Cathedral during the interfaith service of prayer for the Inauguration, are teaming up to provide vigils for those experiencing fear and asking for mercy at this moment in history.

These vigils will focus on five essential themes: mercy, unity, dignity, truth, and humility. These gatherings will create a sacred space for prayer, particularly uplifting migrants and the LGBTQ+ community. We invite you to join us in this opportunity for spiritual recommitment to mercy during this holy season.

St. John's will host a vigil on Wednesday, April 2 at 6:00pm - we invite you to join not only this vigil, but all others too! Click here for information on the other Vigils.

Holy Week Day Camp Save-the-Date

Monday, April 14 - Wednesday, April 16 from 8:30am-3:00pm at St. John's

Save-the-Date! Holy Week Day Camp will be held on Monday, April 14 - Wednesday, April 16 for all youth in grades Kindergarten - High School. A wonderful week of bible-centered activities and outings during your spring break. Be on the lookout for registration coming soon!

First Communion

Sunday, March 23 and Sunday, March 30 at St. John's Lutheran Church

The 2025 First Communion will take place on Sunday, March 23rd and Sunday, March 30th! It's recommended that all children participate in the First Communion process, especially children in first and second grade.  

The First Communion class will take place on Sunday, March 23 from 10:15-11:15am and 12:30-2:00pm and the service will take place on Sunday, March 30. If your child is interested in participating in First Communion this year, please connect with Pastor Jon Haug at 

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