Children, Youth and Family Ministries is an integral part of Congregational Life at St. John's. It provides programs and events for families at every stage - Sunday School classes, First Communion, Confirmation, youth group and family trips.
The St. John's Nursery is open for children under 5 years of age every Sunday during the 9:00am service, 10:15am education hour, and 11:30am service. Our highly qualified Nursery Attendants, Amy Afoa and Helen Disho, are in the Nursery every Sunday to welcome children into the space.
Sunday School at St. John’s is divided into two classrooms. Kim Hendricks, this year’s Sunday School Superintendent and teacher, will lead the Pre-K - 3rd grade class. In this class, Kim hopes that students will have fun learning about the Bible and develop a curiosity about their faith, and know that they are a vital part of the church family at St. John’s. Elyssa Lakich, mother of elementary-aged twins, will lead the 4th & 5th grade class as students dive deeper into biblical stories and prepare for Confirmation in the coming years.
Eliseo Paniagua, Associate Director of Worship and Music, will continue to lead music during the Sunday School hour, as students will learn to sing and play fun musical instruments.
We offer a variety of worship spaces for children of all ages.
The Kinderraum - Located in the front right side of the sanctuary, our hope is that this space will allow kids to become engaged with worship.
The Nursing Room
- Available to nursing parents.
The Confirmation Class is led by our two Pastors, the Rev. Frank Espegren and the Rev. Jon Haug, alongside longtime Sunday School teacher Scott Mohler and is predominately for youth in grades 6-8th. They will invite youth to think more deeply about their individual faith lives, beyond just what their parents brought them up in. What kind of spirituality might they develop? We do this through asking deep and meaningful questions related to a life of faith, and explore them together with their connection to scripture, tradition, and their own thoughts.
In the Lutheran tradition, Confirmation serves as a “first act” of adulthood. Our Pastoral Staff is committed to teaching and learning from our youth, who Jesus himself said were more attuned to the Kingdom of Heaven than adults are. Youth will experience fun activities, deep questions, prayer, time with each of our pastors, and community building while in Confirmation this fall. The Confirmation class meets on Sundays from 10:15-11:15am in the loft of The Gathering Place.
High School Youth Group
(9-12th Grades)
The High School Youth Group welcomes youth in 9-12th grade for weekly gatherings, service projects, peer ministry, and summer trips. In addition to the many ways our high schoolers hold leadership positions and volunteer in other capacities throughout the church, we strive to provide a space for them to gather with their peers, too!
The Youth Group gathers every Sunday at 10:15am in the Youth Room.
The Order of St. John
Teenagers are invited to use their gifts and talents to serve at the altar of God by serving in the Order of St. John. They ring the bells, light the candles, lead processions, assist with communion, present the banners, hold altar books, lead the children to music practice and perform countless other tasks to assist the pastors each Sunday.
Led by lay leaders Rob Sawyer and Betsy Long, the Order of St. John is open to anyone ages 10-18, and is a long-standing, beloved tradition here at St. John’s. Youth serve on acolyte teams once a month and are an integral part of the worship leadership team. Joining the Order of St. John is a wonderful leadership opportunity that centers our young people in every worship service, as we continually strive to witness the diverse, unique body of Christ in all that we do.
"As a father of two young kids, I get the challenges and joys of parenting today. I want my children to grow up knowing that God loves them for who they are, as they are, and that Jesus loved them all the way to the cross. I strive to have a youth and family program that teaches that and meets parents and youth where they are in their walks of faith. So join us for Sunday school each week at 10:15 am; put your 2nd grader into a 1st Communion class; have your 7th or 8th grader join our special education and Confirmation class, or have your teen join in our youth group. And as a parent, get coffee with me or another parent to share the joys and burdens of this particular chapter of life. We are here for you whether you are a single parent home or a two parent home, whether you are grandparents raising kids or any other of the multifaceted ways that we raise young people today. And if you are a youth struggling with your faith and life, you will find a home here with other struggling honest teens trying to live God's love in the world the best we can. Can't wait to see you here!"
St. John's is a vibrant, urban church centered in enthusiastic and inspirational worship, grace-filled service and rich opportunities for spiritual growth.
St. John's is a Reconciling in Christ Church of the Sierra Pacific Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).
Sunday Worship
9:00am In-Person & Livestream | 11:30am In-Person
1701 L Street, Sacramento, CA 95811
916.444.0874 |
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday
9:00am - 5:00pm