
Give Online

You can give online through Realm, found below.

Give In-Person

You can write a check to drop-off or mail into the church office, or leave your offering in the plate on Sunday mornings.

Give via Text

Text "SJLC" to 73256 to give using your mobile device. This number will never send unsolicited texts to you.

2025 General Fund

Donations to the 2025 General Fun help support the overall mission and ministry of St. John's. This includes everything from communion supplies, building maintenance, staff salaries, youth trips, and so much more.

Pastor’s Discretionary/

Emergency Assistance

Donation to the Pastor's Discretionary/Emergency Assistance fund help support specific, one-time needs for St. John’s family and friends.

Memorial Fund

Donations to the Memorial Fund are often given in memory of a loved one who passed away. Donations can include a special designation to a ministry area, or be given generally.  Please email if you have any questions.

Pilgrimage Meal

Donations to the Pilgrimage Meal help purchase a hot meal that is prepared and served 2-3 times per month to our neighbors in need.

Respite Center

Donations to the Respite Center help support the work of the Midtown HART Association, of which St. John's is a member of and hosts onsite every week. The Midtown HART Respite Center provides food, clothes, resources, and support for neighbors in need.

Afternoon Snack Stop

Donations to the Afternoon Snack Stop help us provide non-perishable food to our unhoused neighbors in need 3-4 days/week. 

If you'd like to provide a designated offering to a specific ministry, select "General Fund" and then write the ministry name in the Memo Line above:

  • Adult Faith Formation
  • Children & Youth Ministry
  • Community Engagement
  • Community Thanksgiving Meal
  • Congregational Care
  • Midtown HART Respite Center
  • Worship & Music

Realm Connect

Deepen relationships, celebrate milestones, and participate in the work of the Lord. Download the “Connect – Our Church Community” app for iOS or Android devices. 

  • Online Membership Directory
  • Community
  • Giving
  • Event Registration
  • Volunteer Opportunities

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